This is the web page of the national (Romanian) micro and nanotechnology network ROMNET-NANO sustained by the
project ROMNET-ERA




This "micro-nano" network is the first of a set of four supported by the European project ROMNET-ERA.
There are two subjects of high interest for this network:

First, the new EU Frammework Programme:
Towards FP 7: Preliminary principles and orientations ... with a special touch for "nano"
Nicholas Hartley, European Commission, DG Research - NMP Priority, Nanotechnologies, knowledge-based Materials & new Production

The new Romanian research programme (on topics related to FP7):
CEEX (Programme in Research) (in Romanian only)

Apart from this, ROMNET-NANO will "show-up" as a national network at the Global Nanotechnology Network (GNN) meeting taking place in Saarbrucken, Germany, on 25-27 May 2005.
A preliminary presentation of "nano" activities in Romania (first version, prepared by Prof. Dan Dascalu) PP presentation is shown here.


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