This is the web page of the national (Romanian) micro and nanotechnology network ROMNET-NANO sustained by the
project ROMNET-ERA


MST News

mstnews is a bi-monthly journal for the Micro and Nano community worldwide. The aim of mstnews is to disseminate information on world-wide developments in micro and nano technologies, focusing particularly on the integration of different technologies in complex, miniaturized systems. The target audience includes developers and managers of industrial companies as well as researchers from institutes and universities and students. mstnews is an application-oriented magazine and strives to fill the gap between academic journals on the one hand and commercially oriented, industrial magazines on the other hand. It has a circulation of over 12,000 and is distributed to 10,000 qualified readers in Europe free of charge. mstnews provides a platform for the exchange of information on state-of-the-art developments, new applications, market opportunities and events in the in (currently mainly European) Micro Nano community.
Every mstnews issue has a elected main topic, such as the application of microsystems in the automotive, space and medical fields.

The main topic articles are supplemented by reports on events, projects, and networks as well as by reviews on the state of technology and technology politics in American, Asian and European countries and regions.

mstnews is published by VDI/VDE-IT, Germany, bimonthly and is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education, Science Research and Technology (BMBF) and the European Commission via the Network of Excellence in Multifunctional Microsystems NEXUS, the EUROPRACTICE network and other networks and projects on the European level. mstnews includes newsletter pages from the European networks NEXUS, Europractice and Eurimus and from the German MST programme.

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