This is the web page of the national (Romanian) micro and nanotechnology network ROMNET-NANO sustained by the
project ROMNET-ERA


Network for Nanostructured Materials of ACC

Project INCO-CT-2003-510363, August 1, 2004 - July 31, 2006

Project co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Jan Dusza, Head of the Structural Ceramics Department, IMR SAS
Contact Person (in Romania): Prof. Horia Chiriac, INCD-FT


- The main objective of the project is to mobilize human and material resources in the field of nanostructured materials in New Member States and ACC, to consolidate, strengthen, and enhance the dispersed research/technological potential in this field of research, to promote and use the results of 5th FP and 6th FP, and to improve the knowledge based application oriented nanoscience and nanotechnology in Europe.
- The further objective is to improve significantly the communication and collaboration between the Centers working in this area of research in individual New Member States and ACC, between the Centers in ACC, Member State Countries, Russia NIS and SEEC contributing to the building and strenghtening of ERA. An effective system for information exchange and system for training/mobility will be established to fulfil this objective.
- Another objective is to disseminate scientific information as well as the results of research and development and to create a common platform for coordinate research, education, and training activities in New Member States and ACC in the field of nanostructured materials and nanoscience/nanotechnology.
- A very important objective is to integrate in ERA the New Member States and ACC activities and to contribute to the development of radical breakthrough production technologies leading to the mass production of nanopowders and nanocomponents of high quality or self-controlled manufacturing operations.

The specific objectives of the NENAMAT are:

- sharing and developing research infrastructure of the Network partners

- monitoring common interest and generating interdisciplinary research projects

- planning the research activities to avoid duplicate research

- to improve the position of female in research

- to improve the protection of intellectual knowledge

- to improve education in the nanoscience/technology and related fields

- to help in creation of „knowledge communities“ in nanotechnologies

- to elaborate technological roadmaps in nanosciences and nanotechnologies

- to integrate education and skills development with the research activities


The NENAMAT Network will actively contribute to the implementation of the activities and dissemination of results in the following fields:

- nanopowders / nanoparticles

- nanostructured metallic materials

- nanostructured ceramic materials

- thin fims, dots and multilayer nanosystems

- nanotubes, nanowires & self-organizing phenomena

- nanometrology, non-metallic and non-ceramic nanostructured materials

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