This is the web page of the national (Romanian) micro and nanotechnology network ROMNET-NANO sustained by the
project ROMNET-ERA


Biodegradable Polymeric Materials for Health and Environment

Marie Curie Network

Project co-ordinator: Prof. MAREK KOWALCZUK, Centre of Polymer Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
Contact person (in Romania): "PETRU PONI" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi , Institute of Excellence of the Romanian Academy

The project covers the field of biodegradable polymeric materials application in medicine and environmental protection including agrochemistry and ecological packaging issues. The research programme will include synthesis and determination of chemical structure-property relationships of polymers as well as evaluation of their biocompatibility, biodegradability, mechanical behaviour and processing as a function of chemical composition and structure. The research programme will be carried out by three thematic groups: (i) team for polymeric bioresorbable implants, (ii) team for environmental and agrochemical applications, (iii) team for polymeric drug delivery systems.

Strong cooperation between multidiciplinary teams will enable a real progress in this field of knowledge. The measure is aimed at development of new areas of competencies and reinforcement of the research capacity of the host institution. It will be done by direct involvement of fellows and seconded staff to the research programme and simultaneously, by organisation of a series of undertakings aimed at education and training so as to ensure the transfer of knowledge and expertise. The latter will cover seminars, workshops and training sessions on scientific issues directly connected with the research programme and secondly on the overall knowledge regarding research projects implementation, results presentation.

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