This is the web page of the national (Romanian) micro and nanotechnology network ROMNET-NANO sustained by the
project ROMNET-ERA


European Polysaccharide Network

Project NoE FP6

Project co-ordinator: ARMINES-ENSMP-Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux CEMEF, (Higher education, Research), France
Contact person (in Romania): Dr. Valeria Harabagiu, "PETRU PONI" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi , Institute of Excellence of the Romanian Academy


  • to establish during the first 18 months of existence of the project an independent, non-profit, private, single administrative and legal entity called the European Polysaccharide Network Association (EPNA) that will run all the activities developed in common and interact directly inside the partner’s organization
  • to combine all fields around polysaccharide research
  • to train students, scientists in academia and industry
  • to spread knowledge, results and excellence
  • to attract the interest of citizens for science
  • to organise in an efficient way the economical and administrative integration
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