This is the web page of the national (Romanian) micro and nanotechnology network ROMNET-NANO sustained by the
project ROMNET-ERA


Virtual Intelligent Forging

Project 507331, July 2004 - July 2008

Project co-ordinator: CEMEF – Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux, France
Contact Person (in Romania): Dr. A. Epureanu, University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati UGAL


The strategy is to create a forging knowledge community through several scientific, technological, training and educational activities.

These activities are designed to:

  • identify current industrial and societal needs, analyse and use the existing knowledge to solve these problems (WP 1);
  • define, validate and use reference benchmarks for virtual process simulations and materials testing (WP 2);
  • create an e-Forging environment (WP 3);
  • determine the needs for material data and define a blueprint for an e-Database (WP 4);
  • design a structure for the virtual integration of process simulations from raw materials to product design (WP 5);
  • promote transversal educational programmes and a roadmap for an e-learning forging platform (WP 6);
  • organise workshops for gathering the current necessary knowledge and disseminate the results of the project (WP 7);
  • promote programmes for mobility of researchers, students and industrial staff. (WP 8).

The consortium gathers educational and research organisations, experts in the various scientific areas, and a large number of forging, software and IT industries from 17 European countries. The Deliverables include a Book of forging, projects for an e-Database and an e-learning platform, benchmarks for process simulations and materials testing, and a structure for a virtual supply chain.

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