“Multifunctional materials and new production processes”

Network partners and their offer in the NMP field -




Pre-project Administrative Overview Development of fundamental knowledge

• New generation of tools for advanced materials characterization – STREP

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Pre –proposal Acronym TRIBOSEM

Pre-proposal Full Name

Evaluation and maintenance of tribological materials in the industry using electron microscopy

Pre-proposal abstract


Exigencies related the quality of friction materials in respect of the loads and speeds they are expected to withstand call for the observance of high reliability and safety standards during exploitation. A current research direction is the production of materials having improved a tribological characteristics used to the braking systems for special vehicles, aimed for the military end aircraft industries.

Manufacturing aircraft brakes is not a routine task. It calls a diverse range of disciplines, including: metallurgy, chemistry and mechanical engineering. It requires perfect process control. Another reason to investigate wear particules is their emission into the environment during braking. Therefore one has to know their composition and habit to avoid toxic or detrimental effects. This entails an advanced understanding of tribological phenomena, the extension of the types of specific material analyses and tests and a new view on the design, m ethods for quality assessment and maintenance durability investigations and production of brake systems. The target of our project is the development a comprehensive qualitative approach to quality evaluation and maintenance about electron microscopy. Structural analysis allows us to study such different tribological couple materials.

The advantages of this new approach are:

· Disk surface analysis by light microscopy and s canning electron microscope ( SEM), in correlation with the recorded temperatures and braking coefficient values;

·  intrinsic investigation of the microstructure in order to evidence the materials’ homogeneity and structure with a view to establish the wear resistance potential;

· SEM examination of the interfaces between the friction material and the support material;

· SEM examination of morphological and structural modifications appearing as a result of the texturing of the friction material during repeated braking processes;

·  use of SEM for fractographic study in order to reveal the initiation of the destruction of the friction disk.

SEM fractografy has been recognized as the most suitable analytical method not only to describe the structure of the fracture surface but to ascertain how the material had withstand mechanical and tribologicall tested .

Targets and needs of the pre-proposal

Coordination : an SME Having a large knowledge and expertise in design and materials analizes for industry.

The partner’ complementary knowledge and competencies to research on the new technologies and advanced materials.

Duration: 36 months