ROManian Inventory and NETworking for Integration in ERA
Inventarierea si interconectarea centrelor de cercetare din Romania si
integrarea acestora in ERA

Contract No . 510475  finantat de Comunitatea Europeana






Director Directorate-General for Research, European Commission

Ezio Andreta graduated in Political Sciences and Economics at the Universities of Genoa and Lyon. He did post-graduate studies in Industrial and Monetary issues at the London School of Economics; and obtained a Doctorate in International Relations at the University of Genoa. He started his career as Assistant Professor in Economics. Since 1995 he is Director at the European Commission in the Directorate-General for Research. Under the 6th framework programme (FP6), he is responsible for the Priority on Nanotechnologies, multifunctional materials and new production processes. He is also Professor of knowledge management at the PhD school of Politecnico di Torino.

Ultima actualizare: 11-05-2004