Workshop in a series “Towards a national
strategy in nanotechnologies” (
Library of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
3rd of February, 2010
“Ten years of nanoscience and nanotechnology:
what next?”
Photo Gallery
8:30 Registration of participants
9:00 Opening the workshop (Acad. Florin Filip, Vicepresident of the Romanian Academy)
Nanoscience and nanotechnology 2000-2010
- Message of Dr. Mihail C. Roco, NSF, US (click here)
Dialogue with Prof. Adrian Curaj, President of the National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS)
First part of the workshop. Chair: Dan Dascalu
10:00-10:30 L. Pintilie, National Institute of Materials Physics, INCDFM, Bucharest „Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at NIMP” [...]
10:30-10:45 S. Gavriliu, W. Kappel, E. Enescu, M. Lungu, A. Petica, F. Grigore,National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Bucharest “Nanostructured materials with silver nanoparticles for antimicrobial, self-cleaning and electrical applications” [...]
10:45-11.05 E. Gheorghiu, M. Gheorghiu, S. David, C. Polonschii, A. Dragan, S. Gaspar, International Centre of Biodynamics, ICB, Bucharest “The expertise of the International Centre of Biodynamics in nanoscience and related areas (nano-biosensing); recent results and opportunities for collaboration” [...]
11:05-11:20 E. S. Dragan, F. Bucatariu, “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ICMPP Iasi “Sorption of proteins onto porous multilayer thin films based on polyvinyl amine” [...]
11:20-11:50 I. Morjan, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, INFLPR, Bucharest”Achivments and perspectives in nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in NILPRP” [...]
11:50-12:05 V. Pop1, I Chicinas2, 1Faculty of Physics, Babes-Bolyai University, UBB Cluj-Napoca, 2Materials Sciences and Technology Dept., Technical University of Cluj-Napoca “Hard magnetic nanostructured materials. Hard/Soft nanocomposite exchange spring magnets” [...]
12:05-12:20 E. Fagadar-Cosma, Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy “Hybrid nanostructures with tailored dimensions of pores exhibiting intensive absorption of light in the red-region - based on porphyrins” [...]
12:20-12:30 Invited presentation P. Olaru1, Ian Hutchings2, Nicole Dorr3, 1Honeywell Brno, Czech Rep., 2IfM- Univ. of CAMBRIDGE, 3UK, AC²T-Wr.Neustadt, Austria “Shape memory polymers (SMPs) nanostrip multilayers applied on the new bearing generation for hard wearing in turbocharges” [...]
Coffee break (12:30 – 13:00)
Second part of the workshop. Chair: Ion Morjan
13:00-13:20 R. Popa, D. Dascalu, National Institute for Microtechnology, IMT-Bucharest „IMT-MINAFAB as a platform of interaction in nanoscience and nanotechnologies” [...]
13:20-13:35 A. Müller1, D Neculoiu1, G. Konstantinidis2, M Dragoman1, A. Dinescu1, A. Cismaru1, A. Stavrinidis2, National 1Institute for Microtechnology IMT-Bucharest, 2FORTH IESL MRG, Heraklion, Crete, Greece “Advanced micromachining and nanoprocessing technologies of GaN/Si FOR GHz acoustic resonators and UV photodetecting applications” [...]
13:35-13:55 R. Piticescu, R. R. Piticescu, Materials Laboratory, National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals-Nanostructured, IMNR Bucharest „Nanomaterials for regenerative medicine: from basic research to innovation and EU cooperation” [...]
13:55-14:10 I. Grozescu, National Institute for Research-Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, ICMCT Timisoara „Nanomaterials for applications in medicine and environment” [...]
14:10-14:30 Ghe. Gheorghe, L. Badita, National Institute of Research and Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique, INCDMTM Bucharest “Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies – Micro/ Nanomechatronics - Present and Perspectives” [...]
14:30-14.45 I. Dinca, V. Manoliu, A. Stefan, A. Stan, National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" INCAS Bucharest „Nanocomposites and Nanotechnologies in aerospace research” [...]
14:45-15:00 „Micro and nano-structure processing, using LIGA technology”, C. Ilie, M Popa, A. Petica, National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Bucharest [...]
Concluding the workshop 15:00