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E-newsletter No. 33, 6 Septembrie, 2005

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Workshop tematic pentru dezvoltarea cooperarii in domeniul Programului MATNANTECH cu firme din Elvetia,
15 Septembrie 2005

Domnilor/Doamnelor Directori,
In cadrul Expozitiei NanoEurope2005 se organizeaza un Workshop tematic pentru dezvoltarea cooperarii in domeniul Programului MATNANTECH cu firme din Elvetia. Totodata se pot stabili contacte si cu parteneri din alte tari.
Pentru detalii suplimentare persoana de contact: Corneliu Trisca-Rusu; e-mail: [email protected] sau telefon: 0723195128. Din pacate telefonul de la program (021-3112855) nu functioneaza.
Anuntul si draftul pentru workshop. (Anunt transmis de Corneliu Trisca-Rusu, Director Executiv MATNANTECH)

  Scoala de Microscopie Electronica: SME 2005, 19-21 septembrie 2005
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor, Bucuresti-Magurele

Laboratorul de Microstructura Defectelor in Solide din cadrul Institutului National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor organizeaza in perioada 19-21 Septembrie (in continuarea Conferintei Nationale de Fizica) prima editie a Scolii de Microscopie Electronica (SME 2005). Scoala se adreseaza studentilor si cercetatorilor din domeniul fizicii solidului, chimiei, metalurgiei, optoelectronicii si altor domenii ale stiintei materialelor si urmareste prezentarea performantelor si posibilitatilor de caracterizare micro- si nano-structurala a materialelor avansate prin microscopie electronica. Sunt prevazute demonstratii practice pe straturi subtiri nanostructurate, nanoparticule precum si pe aliaje metalice.
Cursurile vor fi prezentate prin videoproiectie in sala de seminar a INCDFM. Detalii suplimentare despre organizarea scolii sunt cuprinse in materialele atasate. Inscrierile se pot face la adresa de e-mail [email protected] .Cei interesati sunt rugati sa se inscrie din vreme, intrucat sala de seminar are un numar limitat de locuri (35).
Prezentare; Poster


Simpozionului National de Biomateriale, 28-29 octombrie 2005.
In zilele de 28 si 29 octombrie 2005 are loc la Iasi, Simpozionul National de Biomateriale.
Date importante:
Confirmare inscriere – 15 septembrie 2005
Rezumate lucrari – 20 septembrie 2005
Confirmare participare – 1 octombrie 2005
Lucrarile în extenso – 10 octombrie 2005
Anunt; Talon de participare.


IMT Bucharest invites you to the 28 th edition of the International Semiconductor Conference(CAS 2005), and also at the satellite events that precedes the conferences. All the events take place in Sinaia, Romania, between 28 th of September and 4 th of October 2005

AMICOM Summer School, 28 th September - 1 st October, 2005:
The Network of Excellence AMICOM- “Advanced MEMS for RF and Millimeter Wave Communications’ - will organize the second Summer School. The first day is dedicated to “ Introduction in RF, for those from a processing background” and the second day to “Introduction to Processing, for those from an RF background”. The rest of the lectures will be focused on “RF MEMS” and “Vision for the future”. Specialists from outside the NoE AMICOM are welcome.

Contact: Cristina Buiculescu ( e-mail: [email protected])
www.imt.ro/cas/workshop_amicom; www.amicom.info;

4M WORKSHOP in Romania, 30 th of September 2005: One day s cientific workshop under the frame of 4M Network of Excellence ( Multi Material Micro Manufacture: Technology and Applications), is organized for diffusing and exploitation of the research results and for promoting a better response of the research activities to the socio - economic needs in Eastern Countries.
The workshop will provide the opportunity to debate the scientific and technological development in the field of materials and micro, nanotechnology, as well as a forums for the exchange and dissemination of information between universities, research centres, SMEs (from MS, NMS and ACC), and the opportunities to initiate new RTD projects

Contact: Carmen Moldovan (e-mail: [email protected])

CAS 2005 - International Semiconductor Conference, 2 nd October – 4 th October:
The Conference is organized under the aegis of the IEEE-Electron Devices Society, Ministry for Education and Research, Romanian Academy, IEEE-Romania Section and Electron Devices Chapter and will take place in the mountain resort Sinaia, Romania
Oral and poster s ession s are dedicated to Nanoscience and Nanoengineering; Microphotonics; Microwave and RF MEMS; Microstructures for bio & medical applications ; MEMS & Microsensors ; Physics of Materials; Devices: Modeling and Technology; Low Power Integrated Circuit; A Century of Silicon Carbide (SiC). 100 regular and 6 invited papers will be presented.

Contact: Cristina Buiculescu ( e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected])

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